Share love….. Not germs on Valentine’s Day - New Braunfels Dentists

Share love….. Not germs on Valentine’s Day

  • January 29, 2016

Share love….. Not germs on Valentine’s Day

Although you may share drinks or food with your spouse or loved ones we highly recommend NOT sharing toothbrushes or any other dental devices. Sharing toothbrushes allows viruses and bacteria to be spread from one person to the next, this includes dental bacteria. We all know we can spread the flu from person to person but did you know you can also spread the bacteria that helps contribute to cavities? Streptococcus mutants is the nasty bacteria that causes cavities and this culprit loves to sit on our toothbrush after brushing. Gingivitis and periodontitis (gum disease) are also caused by a type of bacteria that likes to hangout on our toothbrush. We recommend storing your toothbrush in a dry place and replacing it every three months to help maintain proper function of the brush. If you are sick we recommend throwing your toothbrush away immediately and replacing it with a new one. Share the gift of a new toothbrush this valentine’s day not a new bacteria to your loved ones!!


-Don’t forget we have Vitality’s for $25.00!!

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